Yoga Classes


Our Classes


Sam offers a Mindful Flow and guided meditation using asana (postures), pranayama (breath work), mudras (gestures) and mantras (positive affirmations). Classes are often themed, allowing students to move energy around the body to gain strength, flexibility and stability physically, emotionally and mentally as well as learning how to apply yogic concepts to life outside the yoga space. 

Mondays 9.30am-10.45am
With Sam Maguire


Teen Yoga – Feeling overwhelmed with school, life, home? Sometimes not sure about how to check back in with yourself, or navigate through life?  Our teenage yoga classes will help you take some time to learn how to breathe; switch off from social media and slow down.

Moving through some simple sequences to help stretch the body and then calm the mind.  We won’t forget to bring some laughter because what is balance without fun!

Mondays 5PM – 6PM
With Tash Scofield


Barre is a creative work out that combines the technique and grace of Ballet, body alignment of Yoga and precision of Pilates. We add on strength from sports conditioning and we have all the elements of Barre class. It’s performed to high energy music to keep you motivated throughout the whole class. The results are amazing! You will improve the body posture, flexibility, coordination, joint stability and stamina. It also promotes positive mind/body relationship. What’s not to love?

Mondays 6.30PM-7.30PM
With Nina Biodrowicz


This class incorporates energizing postures with an emphasis on alignment. Postures are linked in a flow that elevates the heart rate, while also improving strength and coordination. This class will invigorate, strengthen and recharge you, but most of all leave you smiling!

All levels are supported.

Tuesdays 10AM-11AM
With Sarah Green


This is a gentle beginner’s class that will take you through the basics of yoga postures, and teach you breathing techniques.  Yoga is for everyone – you will learn at your own pace with full support. Come along and gently ease yourself in to this wonderful class.

Tuesdays 7.15PM-8.15PM
With Lou Alltimes


Yoga works all the muscles and in our Power Yoga class we work on strengthening the core, stamina and work towards general fitness.  In this class we switch the tempo up with vigorous vinyasas along with a soundtrack to help keep the heat in the body – working towards our mantra of ‘strong body – strong mind.’

Tuesdays 8.30PM-9.30PM
With Lou Alltimes


A medium paced class that is tied intrinsically to the breath. This class explores the connection of the mind and body to breathing techniques.  You will flow through the asanas (postures) finding alignment in body, and calmness in soul.

Your practise will end with a relaxing Savasana (corpse pose) as your mind, body, soul connect.

Wednesdays 9.30AM-10.30AM
With Tash Schofield


This class is suitable for all levels. It’s low impact and we focus on strengthening postural muscles that support and stabilize the spine. It can help to improve posture and control back pain. Regular practice will build endurance and you will notice a difference within your body. As well as mat we also use small equipment.

Thursdays 9.15AM-10.15AM
With Rona Breading


Beginner’s Vinyasa flow class is suited to all abilities.  This is a playful, yet strong class where students will be flowing through standing, balancing, seated and some inverted asanas (once ready) using breath and alignment as a guide.  Postures for this class are selected to waken up the nervous system and renew body and mind vitality; including use of the Bandhas to control the energy.  Each practice will close with Savasana and balancing Pranayama.

Thursdays 7.15PM-8.15PM
With Lauren Macavoy


My vinyasa flow class is suited for beginners to intermediate.  I like to keep my vinyasa playful and relaxed and give options to challenge yourself if you want to take it up a level.  We start with a breath awareness exercise where we work on the foundations of the practice using mindfulness and grounding techniques followed by a gentle warm up leading into a flow sequence and ending with relaxation.  I aim for my students to leave energised but with a calm and clear mind.

Fridays 9.30AM-10.30AM
With Lauren Macavoy


My Hatha class is suited for all levels, the flow is soft and gentle preparing the body for deeper relaxation.  We work through a variety of yoga postures designed to lengthen the spine, strengthen the core, correct alignment throughout the body and most importantly to quiet the mind.  We end the practice with the use of bolsters, blankets and eye pillows for the ultimate peaceful savasana.  I aim for my students to leave this class feeling well-balanced, relaxed and calm.

Fridays 10.30AM-11.30AM
With Lauren Macavoy


Seamlessly combining High Intensity Interval Training with yoga asana!

If you want to stretch, strengthen your core and improve cardio then this class Is for you.

This class is taught to music and in a room heated to around 30 degrees.

Saturdays 8.30AM-9.30AM
With Sarah Green


This is a moving, morning flow, waking your body up gently stretching your way into Saturday.  A gentle slow flow creating warmth in the body, then moving into deeper postures for a hold of 5 breaths, helping you explore the connection to your body, mind and mat.

Saturdays 9.30AM-10.30AM
With Lou Alltimes


In each class we work with movements of the body and the breath with periods of relaxation at the beginning and the end.

We focus our minds on how we feel rather than how we look and become present and attentive to the physical sensations of the body and the breath and be guided by these sensations rather than our minds.  When we take away the notion of achieving, we begin to release and soften.  We undo what is in the way of natural movement of the body along with the breath.  We begin to notice a sense of wholeness which works from deep within re-establishing our inner-balance of stability with ease.

This beautiful class is open to all levels of students.

Sundays 9.15AM-10.30AM
With Iraz Keeling


18 Springfield Avenue | Hutton | Essex CM13 1RE



07549 139643


Opening times: 

Monday to Friday: 09.00 to 21.00

Saturday: 09.00 to 18.00

Sunday: 09.00 to 18.00

How to find us:

We are situated at the end of the parade of shops in Springfield Avenue.

We are between Billericay and Shenfield. (0.5 from Shenfield station )

There are plenty of free parking spaces outside and in the surrounding roads


Terms & Policies