
Classes with Lauren McAvoy

Dynamic Flow

Dynamic Flow class is suited to all abilities.  This is a playful, yet strong class where students will be flowing through standing, balancing, seated and some inverted asanas (once ready) using breath and alignment as a guide.  Postures for this class are selected to waken up the nervous system and renew body and mind vitality; including use of the Bandhas to control the energy.  Each practice will close with Savasana and balancing Pranayama.

Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa Flow – My vinyasa flow class is suited for beginners to intermediate.  I like to keep my vinyasa playful and relaxed and give options to challenge yourself if you want to take it up a level.  We start with a breath awareness exercise where we work on the foundations of the practice using mindfulness and grounding techniques followed by a gentle warm up leading into a flow sequence and ending with relaxation.  I aim for my students to leave energised but with a calm and clear mind.

I aim for my students to leave this class feeling well-balanced, relaxed and calm.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga – My Hatha class is suited for all levels, the flow is soft and gentle preparing the body for deeper relaxation.  We work through a variety of yoga postures designed to lengthen the spine, strengthen the core, correct alignment throughout the body and most importantly to quiet the mind.  The practice ends with the use of bolsters, blankets and eye pillows for the ultimate peaceful Savasana.

Zen Men

Zen Men – Our men’s only yoga class is suited for all levels.  We will work on breath awareness and short meditation techniques followed by a sequence of postures that focus on generating heat in the body, building stamina and mobility.  Also practicing the use of arm balances (inversions) to build up strength and core.  The class ends with relaxation so the body can rejuvenate and reap the rewards of the practice.

Classes with Lou Alltimes

Hatha Yoga

We slow down the yoga practice, working through gentle sequences of yoga asanas (postures) focusing on correct alignments and options that work for you and your body. Holding postures for longer, deeper; working with the breath and pranyayama techniques. All building to relaxation and meditation at the end to really bring union to body, mind and spirit. 

Ashtanga Vinyasa

Ashtanga Vinyasa  – Moving morning flow, waking your body up gently stretching your way into Saturday.  A gently slow flow creating warmth in the body, then moving into deeper postures for a hold of 5 breaths, helping you explore the connection to your body, mind and mat.

Beginner’s Yoga

A gentle beginner’s class that will take you through the basics of yoga postures, and teach you breathing techniques. Come along and gently ease yourself in to this wonderful class. 

Power Yoga

Power Yoga – We’ve got the Power – You’ve got the Power! – works all the muscles and in our Power Yoga class we work on strengthening the core, stamina and work towards general fitness.  In this class we switch the tempo up with vigorous vinyasas along with a soundtrack to help keep the heat in the body – working towards our mantra of ‘strong body – strong mind.’

Classes with Lucy Adams

Barre Burn

Barre Burn is a total body sculpting class inspired by Ballet and Pilates that targets each muscle group effectively to completely transform your body. This class based at the ballet barre incorporates strength training, intervals of cardio, core strengthening and stretching to effectively improve endurance, flexibility and posture. Are you ready to feel the burn?

Classes with Rona Breading

Pilates for All

Pilates for All – This class is suitable for all levels. It’s low impact and we focus on strengthening postural muscles that support and stabilize the spine. It can help to improve posture and control back pain. Regular practice will build endurance and you will notice a difference within your body. As well as mat we also use small equipment.

Classes with Sam Maguire

Mindful Vinyasa Flow

Samantha offers a Mindful Flow and guided meditation using asana (postures), pranayama (breath work), mudras (gestures) and mantras (positive affirmations). Classes are often themed, allowing students to move energy around the body to gain strength, flexibility and stability physically, emotionally and mentally as well as learning how to apply yogic concepts to life outside the yoga space. 

Mobilisation Yoga

Mobilise, Strengthen and Relax

With easy joint-releasing and gentle postural movements, this class is ideal for those who may be unsure of attending other classes due to health conditions or illness.

Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga is a deeply relaxing and receptive style of practice. It offers a way to de-stress, re-energise and find balance physically and mentally.
Whilst holding yoga postures you will be supported by props such as bolsters, blocks and blankets to allow tension to ease away from the body and for the mind to quieten.
The perfect way to end the week if you are in need of some respite from life’s chaos. Also suitable for those living with, or recovering from illness. 

Classes with Liana Oldham


Balance is a 55 min class that blends elements from Tai Chi, Yoga and Pilates. Starts with a fluid sequence of moves to warm-up the body and connect with breath. You’ll be ready to perform strengthening poses and mindful stretches that lead you to a restoring relaxation. Balance’s playlist is specially selected for you to move to tracks on the charts, but also engage with soulful and warming songs. The class is choreographed and released every quarter of the year, which takes on a journey of learning the poses, maturing your performance and being fully connected with yourself.

Classes with Yazmin Dark

Fitness Yoga

Fitness Yoga is an effective and exciting “Mind” and “Body” workout. Connecting breath with movement. It combines aerobic and anaerobic movements, as well as elements from Hatha Yoga and traditional exercise, linked together in a flowing series of poses that create strength, flexibility, endurance and balance.

Freestyle Fitness Yoga is designed with you in mind, creating a powerful programme of strength, endurance and flexibility. Fusing traditional Yoga postures with contemporary Fitness principles allowing you to own your practise and release the modern Yogi. 

Classes with Wendy Copleston

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra – deeply relaxes your body whilst feeling like you have fallen asleep but still being fully aware of what is happening around you.

“Yoga” is to bring consciousness and awareness to all parts of your life making it whole.

“Nidra” means sleep.

Classes with Sarah Green

Align & Flow


Align & Flow

This class incorporates energizing postures with an emphasis on alignment.
Postures are linked in a flow that elevate the heart rate, while also improving strength and coordination.
This class will invigorate, strengthen and recharge you, but most of all leave you smiling!
All levels are supported.


Hot Hiit flow



 Hot HIIT Flow
Seamlessly combining High Intensity Interval Training with yoga asana.
Want to stretch, strengthen your core and improve cardio. This class Is for you.
This class is taught to music and in a room heated to around 30 degrees.
A new a different way to practise hot yoga!

Gentle Flow


 In this Gentle Flow Class, poses will be taught at a steady pace making it suitable for beginners, those with injury or health conditions that needs care.

Equipment may be used to adjust poses and find comfort in the body. At the end of the class, a guided relaxation will restore your energy levels.


Classes with Andrea nunnery

Gentle Sivananda Hatha


 Gentle Hatha
Gentle Sivananda Hatha focuses on connecting the mind, body & breath helping the body maintain a natural healthy state. Each class starts with pranayama & meditation to prepare for the asana practice, we then work our way through variations of the 12 basic postures that seek to increase strength, flexibility, proper breathing, and ease in meditation.
We finish with a beautiful guided relaxation to allow all the beautiful prana/energy we have created to be absorbed by the body and a lovely ‘Om’.


Pregnancy Yoga


Pregnancy Yoga
This is a beautiful restorative yoga practice to support your health and well-being during this magical time. Using gentle exercises to increase mobility, flexibility and strengthen your body while promoting calm, peace and bliss in your mind.
Prepare your body, connect with baby and relax into motherhood.
Benefits of Pregnancy yoga
The poses and breathing techniques can assist during labour, relieve common ailments associated with pregnancy and provide an opportunity to meet fellow expectant mothers in a relaxed and friendly environment.
The Pregnancy Yoga class can help:
· Strengthen the pelvic floor
· Relieve minor ailments (e.g. swollen joints, heartburn, constipation)Release overall tension and backache
· Promote relaxation and restful sleep
· Boost energy levels & reduce stress


Classes with lori tomlin

Yoga Flow


Hatha Yoga

I offer a slow-paced, breathing-oriented yoga class accessible for beginners focusing on the fundamentals of breathing techniques (pranayama) and yoga poses (asanas)
You will be gently guided through traditional Hatha yoga sequences and poses. This class will provide you with the knowledge and experience to pursue more yoga comfortably in the future.



Gentle Vinyasa FLow


Vinyasa Yoga

A medium paced class that is tied intrinsically to the breath. This class explores the connection of the mind and body to breathing techniques. You will flow through the asanas (postures) finding alignment in body, and calmness in soul.

Your practise will end with a relaxing Savasana (corpse pose) as your mind, body, soul connect.



Classes with renate mullins

Kalm Kids


 Yoga is for everyone – you’re never too young to start. In this class we look at Physical Flexibility, Balance, Coordination, work on Focus and Concentration of your child, boost self-esteem and confidence and teach your child awareness on the Mind-Body connection! Using yoga, children can learn to relax, concentrate and be gentle in a fun and creative environment.
Benefits of Kids Yoga
Physical benefits
Develops good posture
Helps maintain a child’s natural flexibility
Supports growing bodies and tones and strengthens the body
Stabilises core muscles and maintains joint mobility
Supports the immune, respiratory, circulatory systems
Prevents sports injury
Improves co-ordination and balance
Promotes healthy sleeping patterns and teaches the body how to relax
Mental + emotional benefits
Builds social confidence as kids interact with kindred spirits
Improves self-confidence through breathing techniques and encouraging children to use their voices
Releases day-to-day anxieties such as separation issues, bullying, lethargy and feelings of negativity
Offers a space for children to express their emotional state in a physical way
Improves memory retention which helps children learn more easily and improves concentration levels



Classes with nina biodrowicz

Barre Belles


 Barre is a creative workout that combines the technique and grace of Ballet, body alignment of Yoga and precision of Pilates. We add on strength from sports conditioning and we have all the elements of Barre class. It’s performed to high energy music to keep you motivated throughout the whole class. The results are amazing! You will improve the body posture, flexibility, coordination, joint stability and stamina. It also promotes positive mind/body relationship. What’s not to love?




18 Springfield Avenue | Hutton | Essex CM13 1RE



07549 139643


Opening times: 

Monday to Friday: 09.00 to 21.00

Saturday: 09.00 to 18.00

Sunday: 09.00 to 18.00

How to find us:

We are situated at the end of the parade of shops in Springfield Avenue.

We are between Billericay and Shenfield. (0.5 from Shenfield station )

There are plenty of free parking spaces outside and in the surrounding roads


Terms & Policies